How to switch from Fiverr to Opuna

Move your services from Fiverr to Opuna, where you gain more profit in your business ventures.

How to switch from Fiverr to Opuna

Gig economy is real! Recent studies show that side hustles bring a hefty share of income and become a staple for over 40% of US people. Is it true for you? And are you satisfied with mainstream platforms or you’re looking for more transparency and less commission?

Freelance platforms like Fiverr, Upwork and others had been there for over a decade, forming a new market. They empowered experts and changed the market landscape for good. Millions of people started generating revenue from their work, gaining an insane momentum no one could imagine.

But, as the freelance gig economy matures, some of the platforms became more like institutions they initially overcame: enormous, rigid, ineffective and too expensive.

Read on and you'll learn why these platforms might be limiting your business potential. We’ll also discuss some clear steps to move your business to an new era platform like Opuna - digital marketplace, where more control, flexibility and profit are available.

The pros and cons of Fiverr

With more than 4 million Buyers, a little under 400 000 creators and almost 800 employees, Fiverr generates hundreds of thousands millions in annual revenue.Sure it does: the commission of the platform grew from under 10% to the current 30+% if we take the total charge split between the Seller and the Buyer. All that in a short span of 10 years.

It can be a great way to get started as it's relatively easy to create a profile and start growing your customer base. But as your business thrives you may start to look for more flexibility, and this is where some of the limitations of Fiverr begin to show. 

Here are some of the reasons people switch from Fiverr to other tools:

  • Fiverr takes 20% of Seller’s revenue, plus transaction fees, plus the Buyer commission with people getting disappointed that the sum they agreed to pay to a freelancer in fact suddenly grows by the time it gets to a checkout moment.
  • Fiverr has the power to change its rules, fees, and your ability to access your audience at any time.
  • It’s impossible to migrate your business elsewhere without asking your customers one by one.

When you're getting started, the appeal of convenience and visibility on Fiverr is attractive, but once you start generating revenue on the platform, you're locked in.

So, is there a better option?

The advantages of Opuna

Opuna offers a more flexible future for independent freelancers, because it gives you full transparency and ownership at much lower price.

Opuna is an emerging tool to run your online business. Caring for our users, and not our investors (we don’t have any), is always the priority.

Here are a few things about Opuna that matter for your business:

  • Opuna base commission is just 6% so you get to keep all of your revenue (Stripe transaction fees apply), and we’re free to negotiate the rates, no investors dictate - you can always reach out and initiate the dialogue. We’d be happy to charge zero, but that’s reserved for the future - see previous point about investors.
  • You have complete access to all of your contacts, transactions and customer data, which means you're always in control.
  • Opuna is very much built around AI products, we did our best to make the process of selling your GPTs and expert services as simple and transparent as possible.

Interested in participating? Learn how to make money with AI and start your journey to passive income.

Considerations of switching platforms

Switching between platforms is as much of a business decision as it is a technical one, and requires careful planning. 

There are challenges involved, since Fiverr and others give you no ownership of your data. This means you need to make some decisions on how to handle your existing customer base.

This comes with some risk of churn. However, the benefits are that once you've made the switch, you'll retain all of your future revenue and have a flexible, customizable home for your creative work.

But no need to worry, you can happily run Fiverr and Opuna alongside each other

How to switch to Opuna

This process requires a long-term strategy, to minimize risk and make sure your existing audience is well informed. 

Step 1 — Set up your new Opuna account

The first step is to create a new Opuna page and customize it to suit your service category and brand. While this does take a bit of time up front, it is time well spent. Don't worry — you don't need to write any code and there are plenty of guides to help you along the way.

  • If you haven't already, sign up. This gives you access to all features in Opuna and you won't be billed at the end, so you still have time to figure out what's best for you. 
  • Follow the initial setup steps to get your new seller page up and running. We recommend keeping things simple to start with — you can always modify details later.
  • Add some content to your page so your customers don't visit an empty space when you move to the following steps. The simplest route would be to copy and paste some of your service info from Fiverr to Opuna, or you could consider using our concierge migration option. Read more about publishing your first post.

💡Consider creating an About page to share more about you and your work.  

Step 2 — Replicate your selling page in Opuna

Migrate the Services list, prices and additional information. You can also add a link to your Fiverr page so the users can see your great reviews and traction.

Step 3 — Invite your clients as free members

The great thing about this is that you can deliver newsletters to your audience and use the Airdrop feature to keep them engaged. You can also send newsletters and other incentive materials. Be open and transparent, pay attention to Fiverr policies and guidelines.